While macro-conversions are the primary source of your earnings through your Shopify store, you should never overlook the power of a basic micro-conversion. You can utilize micro-conversions to boost your sales on your Shopify store and this post discusses just how.
Macro-conversion Of Web Page Optimization
A sign-up conversion or a sales conversion is when you get people to buy from your website or complete a lead generation form. These are basically termed as macro conversions. But are these the only way of increasing your conversions?
You can actually go deeper and more microscopic with your approach and in essence, increase your conversion rates. That is where micro-conversion comes into the picture.
Micro-conversion Of Web Page Optimization
Micro-conversions come from smaller engagements. It could be something as simple as a newsletter signup or a potential user watching the product video. Micro conversions can actually predate macro conversions.
When optimizing for web pages what are the key places where you can encourage engagement?
1. Headline
A headline that effectively communicates your value proposition makes a mental shift in the reader’s mind if they were previously doubtful and coaxes the reader who was already neutral to read on. A successful headline is a successful micro-conversion.
2. Lead-In
This part is representative of the reader’s motivation. If they are interested in a certain area, say meditation, and they land on a page where they find a yoga course, it augments their interest. This element of your website actually convinces your reader to read on. If you ace this, congratulations, you have another micro-conversion.
3. Social Proof
People don’t want to be scammed. They want to know your authenticity and that of your product. Having some social proof on your website in the form of testimonials or comments from a Facebook page can actually help reduce the visitor’s anxiety. This is another micro-conversion.
4. Lead Magnet
A lead magnet is anything (a product or an offer) that becomes available to the visitor in exchange for a sign-up. If you are able to successfully incentivize your reader to sign-up you have another micro-conversion. If you make them think that this offer is of their interest and is something they can benefit from you have it going great.
5. Sign Up Form
If you’ve done everything right but fail to communicate with the reader via a clear CTA (Call to Action) you’ve lost a micro conversion. You should have solid information on the form, the reader should not find it difficult to fill it in and the sign-up button should be crisp and grabbing enough.
These were just a few examples of micro-conversions but this is not the end. You can go deeper and by deeper it is meant that you can even go into the sub-headings and see how they can help you convert. You can look into the content and make it encouraging enough to get a micro-conversion for you.
Micro Conversion Lever (MCL)
MCL is an element that boosts something and needs a treatment to work effectively.
A sign-up form can be an MCL.
What does it lift? It lifts your sign up rate.
Every MCL comes with a treatment. In this case, the button is the treatment you are having.
For emails, the subject line is the MCL which lifts the open rate and the first name at the start of the email can be the treatment.
Now the important part here is coming up with treatments. You need to come up with a considerable number of treatments to boost your conversion. How do you do that? There are two major factors:
External Research
You should be original and do your own stuff but also don’t neglect the power of some of these very major external resources that can help you augment your MCL growth rate. Some of these players are:
Best Practices
So for instance, if you find a blog that has proven itself to work out and it has a particular formula for the headline, you can learn from it and create your own treatments. You can always look at what other established people are doing in order to improve your performance in your emails, blogs and sales pages.
Internal Research
Internal research is another major key player. We can potentially look at:
Historical Data
Back-end Data
In-Page Analytics
Historical data can greatly help in deciding the trends that seem to work and not work for you. In-page analytics, average time on page, bounce rate, exit rate, click through rate, and various heat maps on the page decide what people are really looking for on your webpage.
Based on the information you get from these factors you can decide what changes are required to improve the conversion rates. Certain data will literally look you in the face and tell you what’s obvious and needs to be done to boost sales on your sales page.
What Should Be Your Website User Experience Evaluation Criteria?
Design your pages in a manner that leads your readers to their zero-moment-of-truth. You should effectively cover everything the user could potentially want to see from another source outside your website.
The key factors to focus on while reviewing your website’s user experience are:
1. Values
Your landing page should provide the user with proper evidence that their intended goal can be completed and all the necessary information for that is required is available.
2. Navigation
Content should be classified logically. The menus, headings, sub-headings should be placed in the manner easiest to digest by the reader. You should be mindful of the wordings in hyperlinks, they should be crisp and informative. Keyword-based searches should be comprehensive and to the point.
3. Presentation
The most important part of the web experience is its presentation. This can lead to conversions and this can repel them away. For a better presentation use proper spacing in layouts, eligible text, use graphics, icons, and symbols easy to understand and digest by the user, be mindful of user’s hand-eye coordination and have interactive elements on the website.
4. Trust
To establish trust, have some privacy and security policies mentioned on your website. Have a clear feedback that comes in response to user’s actions. Allow users to reverse completed actions where possible, help them avoid or recover from errors and give them contextual help where required. All this with a well-performing site helps you establish the right kind of trust.
Measure Your Stats
Once you implement a successful user experience based on the data you have gathered either from the external sources or from internal sources, formulate the statistics. When you see problem areas make a list of action steps. They could be anything like:
Include a CTA in navigation bar up top
Optimize pages that get frequent visits
Rearrange elements so they are more engaging
Link a sign up [page from the home
Make important pages more prominent on the homepage/menus
Have your sign up form appear everywhere. This allows the user to interact with it without having to go back. Also linking your sign up from through your homepage helps you integrate information that Google would otherwise not allow you to put on the sign-up page.
By the end of this activity make a list of all the original data and then of all the data after performing the treatment. Your sales are bound to boost.
In Conclusion
Micro conversions can boost your sales on your Shopify store but the way to go around it totally depends on you. While what other strongly established people are doing does matter, your website data plays a vital part as well. Focus on both. Look into your data to find out what people are looking into, find out what is it that can help you improve your micro-conversions on your Shopify store. This will greatly help you boost sales.
Do you have any strategies that work for you to improve your micro-conversions on your Shopify store? Let us know in the comments section below.